J. Korean Math. Soc. 2009; 46(5): 1087-1103
Printed September 1, 2009
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Chong-Kyu Han
Seoul National University
Given a system of $s$ independent $1$-forms on a smooth manifold $M$ of dimension $m$, we study the existence of integral manifolds by means of various generalized versions of the Frobenius theorem. In particular, we present necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist $s'$-parameter $(s' < s)$ family of integral manifolds of dimension $p:=m-s,$ and a necessary and sufficient condition for there to exist integral manifolds of dimension $p'$, $p' \le p$. We also present examples and applications to complex analysis in several variables.
Keywords: Pfaffian system, involutivity, integral manifold, foliation
MSC numbers: 35N10, 58A15, 32F25
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