Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2008; 45(4): 965-976

Printed July 1, 2008

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Ideal cell-decompositions for a hyperbolic surface and Euler characteristic

Yasar Sozen

Fatih University


In this article, we constructively prove that on a surface $S$ with genus $g\geq 2,$ there exit maximal geodesic laminations with $7g-7,\ldots, 9g-9$ leaves. Thus, $S$ can have $ideal$ $cell$-$decompositions$ (i.e., $S$ can be (ideally) triangulated by maximal geodesic laminations) with $7g-7,\ldots, 9g-9$ (ideal) 1-cells. Once there is a triangulation for a compact surface, the Euler characteristic for the surface can be calculated as the alternating sum $F-E+V,$ where $F,E,$ and $V$ denote the number of faces, edges, and vertices, respectively. We also proved that the same formula holds for the ideal cell-decompositions.

Keywords: ideal cell-decomposition, geodesic lamination, Euler characteristic

MSC numbers: 57M99

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