Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008

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  • 2023-09-01

    Almost universal sums of triangular numbers with one exception

    Jangwon Ju

    Abstract : For an arbitrary integer $x$, an integer of the form $T(x)\!=\!\frac{x^2+x}{2}$ is called a triangular number. Let $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_k$ be positive integers. A sum $\Delta_{\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_k}(x_1,\dots,x_k)=\alpha_1 T(x_1)+\cdots+\alpha_k T(x_k)$ of triangular numbers is said to be {\it almost universal with one exception} if the Diophantine equation $\Delta_{\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_k}(x_1,\dots,x_k)=n$ has an integer solution $(x_1,\dots,x_k)\in\mathbb{Z}^k$ for any nonnegative integer $n$ except a single one. In this article, we classify all almost universal sums of triangular numbers with one exception. Furthermore, we provide an effective criterion on almost universality with one exception of an arbitrary sum of triangular numbers, which is a generalization of ``15-theorem" of Conway, Miller, and Schneeberger.

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  • 2023-07-01

    Complex reflection groups and K3 surfaces II. The groups ${\boldsymbol{G_{29}}}$, ${\boldsymbol{G_{30}}}$ and ${\boldsymbol{G_{31}}}$

    Cédric Bonnafé, Alessandra Sarti

    Abstract : We study some K3 surfaces obtained as minimal resolutions of quotients of subgroups of special reflection groups. Some of these were already studied in a previous paper by W.~Barth and the second author. We give here an easy proof that these are K3 surfaces, give equations in weighted projective space and describe their geometry.

  • 2024-09-01

    Price Estimation via Bayesian Filtering and Optimal Bid--Ask Prices for Market Makers

    Hyungbin Park, Junsu Park

    Abstract : This study estimates the true price of an asset and finds the optimal bid/ask prices for market makers. We provide a novel state-space model based on the exponential Ornstein--Uhlenbeck volatility and the Heston models with Gaussian noise, where the traded price and volume are available, but the true price is not observable. An objective of this study is to use Bayesian filtering to estimate the posterior distribution of the true price, given the traded price and volume. Because the posterior density is intractable, we employ the guided particle filtering algorithm, with which adaptive rejection metropolis sampling is used to generate samples from the density function of an unknown distribution. Given a simulated sample path, the posterior expectation of the true price outperforms the traded price in estimating the true price in terms of both the mean absolute error and root-mean-square error metrics. Another objective is to determine the optimal bid/ask prices for a market maker. The profit-and-loss of the market maker is the difference between the true price and its bid/ask prices multiplied by the traded volume or bid/ask size of the market maker. The market maker maximizes the expected utility of the PnL under the posterior distribution. We numerically calculate the optimal bid/ask prices using the Monte Carlo method, finding that its spread widens as the market maker becomes more risk-averse, and the bid/ask size and the level of uncertainty increase.

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  • 2023-09-01

    Li-Yau gradient estimates on closed manifolds under Bakry-\'Emery Ricci curvature conditions

    Xing Yu Song, Ling Wu

    Abstract : In this paper, motivated by the work of Q.~S.~Zhang in [25], we derive optimal Li-Yau gradient bounds for positive solutions of the $f$-heat equation on closed manifolds with Bakry-\'Emery Ricci curvature bounded below.

  • 2023-09-01

    Forbidden theta graph, bounded spectral radius and size of non-bipartite graphs

    Shuchao Li, Wanting Sun, Wei Wei

    Abstract : Zhai and Lin recently proved that if $G$ is an $n$-vertex connected $\theta(1, 2, r+1)$-free graph, then for odd $r$ and $n \geqslant 10r$, or for even $r$ and $n \geqslant 7r$, one has $\rho(G) \le \sqrt{\lfloor\frac{n^2}{4}\rfloor}$, and equality holds if and only if $G$ is $K_{\lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil, \lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor}$. In this paper, for large enough $n$, we prove a sharp upper bound for the spectral radius in an $n$-vertex $H$-free non-bipartite graph, where $H$ is $\theta(1, 2, 3)$ or $\theta(1, 2, 4)$, and we characterize all the extremal graphs. Furthermore, for $n \geqslant 137$, we determine the maximum number of edges in an $n$-vertex $\theta(1, 2, 4)$-free non-bipartite graph and characterize the unique extremal graph.

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  • 2023-07-01

    Generalized hexagons embedded in metasymplectic spaces

    Sebastian Petit, Hendrik Van Maldeghem

    Abstract : We consider thick generalized hexagons fully embedded in metasymplectic spaces, and we show that such an embedding either happens in a point residue (giving rise to a full embedding inside a dual polar space of rank 3), or happens inside a symplecton (giving rise to a full embedding in a polar space of rank 3), or is isometric (that is, point pairs of the hexagon have the same mutual position whether viewed in the hexagon or in the metasymplectic space--these mutual positions are \emph{equality, collinearity, being special, opposition}). In the isometric case, we show that the hexagon is always a Moufang hexagon, its little projective group is induced by the collineation group of the metasymplectic space, and the metasymplectic space itself admits central collineations (hence, in symbols, it is of type $\mathsf{F_{4,1}}$). We allow non-thick metasymplectic spaces without non-thick lines and obtain a full classification of the isometric embeddings in this case.

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  • 2023-09-01

    Continuum-wise expansiveness for $C^1$ generic vector fields

    Manseob Lee

    Abstract : It is shown that every continuum-wise expansive $C^1$ generic vector field $X$ on a compact connected smooth manifold $M$ satisfies Axiom A and has no cycles, and every continuum-wise expansive homoclinic class of a $C^1$ generic vector field $X$ on a compact connected smooth manifold $M$ is hyperbolic. Moreover, every continuum-wise expansive $C^1$ generic divergence-free vector field $X$ on a compact connected smooth manifold $M$ is Anosov.

  • 2023-09-01

    Topologically stable points and uniform limits

    Namjip Koo, Hyunhee Lee

    Abstract : In this paper we study a pointwise version of Walters topological stability in the class of homeomorphisms on a compact metric space. We also show that if a sequence of homeomorphisms on a compact metric space is uniformly expansive with the uniform shadowing property, then the limit is expansive with the shadowing property and so topologically stable. Furthermore, we give examples to illustrate our results.

  • 2023-05-01

    Schur convexity of $L$-conjugate means and its applications

    Chun-Ru Fu , Huan-Nan Shi, Dong-Sheng Wang

    Abstract : In this paper, using the theory of majorization, we discuss the Schur $m$ power convexity for $L$-conjugate means of $n$ variables and the Schur convexity for weighted $L$-conjugate means of $n$ variables. As applications, we get several inequalities of general mean satisfying Schur convexity, and a few comparative inequalities about $n$ variables Gini mean are established.

  • 2023-11-01

    Low rank orthogonal bundles and quadric fibrations

    Insong Choe, George H. Hitching

    Abstract : Let $C$ be a curve and $V \to C$ an orthogonal vector bundle of rank $r$. For $r \le 6$, the structure of $V$ can be described using tensor, symmetric and exterior products of bundles of lower rank, essentially due to the existence of exceptional isomorphisms between $\mathrm{Spin} (r , \mathbb C)$ and other groups for these $r$. We analyze these structures in detail, and in particular use them to describe moduli spaces of orthogonal bundles. Furthermore, the locus of isotropic vectors in $V$ defines a quadric subfibration $Q_V \subset \mathbb P V$. Using familiar results on quadrics of low dimension, we exhibit isomorphisms between isotropic Quot schemes of $V$ and certain ordinary Quot schemes of line subbundles. In particular, for $r \le 6$ this gives a method for enumerating the isotropic subbundles of maximal degree of a general $V$, when there are finitely many.

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Current Issue

January, 2025
Vol.62 No.1

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