J. Korean Math. Soc. 2017; 54(6): 1759-1786
Online first article May 29, 2017 Printed November 1, 2017
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Peter Gilkey, JeongHyeong Park
University of Oregon, Sungkyunkwan University
We examine the moduli space of oriented locally homogeneous manifolds of Type~$\mathcal{A}$ which have non-degenerate symmetric Ricci tensor both in the setting of manifolds with torsion and also in the torsion free setting where the dimension is at least 3. These exhibit phenomena that is very different than in the case of surfaces. In dimension 3, we determine all the possible symmetry groups in the torsion free setting.
Keywords: Ricci tensor, moduli space, homogeneous affine manifold
MSC numbers: 53C21
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