J. Korean Math. Soc. 1999; 36(1): 109-123
Printed January 1, 1999
Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.
Jung-Hwan Kwon and Jin Suk Pak
In this paper we prove a reduction theorem of the codimension for real submanifold of quaternionic projective space as a quaternionic analogue corresponding to those in Cecil [4], Erbacher [5] and Okumura [9], and apply the theorem to quaternionic $CR$-submanifold of quaternionic projective space.
Keywords: quaternionic projective space, reduction theorem, qua-ternionically invariant subspace, quaternionic $CR$-submanifold, lift flat
MSC numbers: 53C40, 53C15
2005; 42(4): 655-672
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