Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2004; 41(3): 423-433

Printed May 1, 2004

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

On operator interpolation problems

Young Soo Jo, Joo Ho Kang, and Ki Sook Kim

Keimyung University, Daegu University, Daegu University


In this paper we obtained the following : Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space and $\mathcal L$ be a subspace lattice on $\mathcal H$. Let $X$ and $Y$ be operators acting on ${\mathcal H}$. If the range of $X$ is dense in $\mathcal H$, then the following are equivalent:
(1) there exists an operator $A$ in Alg$\mathcal L$ such that $AX=Y$,
(2) $\displaystyle\sup\left\{ {{\|E^\bot Yf\|} \over {\|E^\bot Xf\|}} : f\in {\mathcal H}, ~E\in {\mathcal L} \right \}=K<\infty.$
Moreover, if condition (2) holds, we may choose the operator $A$ such that $\|A\|=K$.

Keywords: interpolation problem, subspace lattice, Alg$\mathcal L$, CSL

MSC numbers: 47L35

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