Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2005; 42(4): 673-693

Printed July 1, 2005

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Some recurrence relations of multiple orthogonal polynomials

Dong Won Lee

Kyungpook National University


In this paper, we first find a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of multiple orthogonal polynomials by the moments of a pair of measures $(d\mu, d\nu)$ and then give representations for multiple orthogonal polynomials. We also prove four term recurrence relations for multiple orthogonal polynomials of type II and several interesting relations for multiple orthogonal polynomials are given. A generalized recurrence relation for multiple orthogonal polynomials of type I is found and then four term recurrence relations are obtained as a special case.

Keywords: orthogonal polynomials, multiple orthogonal polynomials, recurrence relation

MSC numbers: 33C45, 42C05