Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2007; 44(5): 1079-1092

Printed September 1, 2007

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Holomorphic maps onto K"ahler manifolds with non-negative Kodaira dimension

Jun-Muk Hwang and Thomas Peternell

Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Universitat Bayreuth


This paper studies the deformation theory of a holomorphic surjective map from a normal compact complex space $X$ to a compact K\"ahler manifold $Y$. We will show that when the target has non-negative Kodaira dimension, all deformations of surjective holomorphic maps $X \to Y$ come from automorphisms of an unramified covering of $Y$ and the underlying reduced varieties of associated components of ${\rm Hol}(X,Y)$ are complex tori. Under the additional assumption that $Y$ is projective algebraic, this was proved in [7]. The proof in [7] uses the algebraicity in an essential way and cannot be generalized directly to the K\"ahler setting. A new ingredient here is a careful study of the infinitesimal deformation of orbits of an action of a complex torus. This study, combined with the result for the algebraic case, gives the proof for the K\"ahler setting.

Keywords: holomorphic maps, complex torus action

MSC numbers: 32H02, 32Q15

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