Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2008; 45(2): 559-573

Printed March 1, 2008

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Four logarithmically completely monotonic functions involving gamma function

Feng Qi, Da-Wei Niu, Jian Cao, and Shou-Xin Chen

Henan University, Zhongyuan University of Technology, East China Normal University, Henan University


In this paper, two classes of functions, involving a parameter and the classical Euler gamma function, and two functions, involving the classical Euler gamma function, are verified to be logarithmically completely monotonic in $\bigl(-\frac12,\infty\bigr)$ or $(0,\infty)$; some inequalities involving the classical Euler gamma function are deduced and compared with those originating from certain problems of traffic flow, due to J.~Wendel and A.~Laforgia, and relating to the well known Stirling's formula.

Keywords: logarithmically completely monotonic function, completely monotonic function, ratio of the gamma functions, Kershaw's inequality, Laforgia's inequality, Stirling's formula, Wendel's inequality

MSC numbers: Primary 33B15, 26A48, 26A51; Secondary 26D20