Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 1996; 33(3): 641-650

Printed September 1, 1996

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Approximate fibrations in topological category and PL category

Won Huh, Young Ho Im, and Ki Mun Woo

Pusan National University, Pusan National University, and Pusan National University


In topological category, we show that a bundle
structure $N=F_1\tilde{\times}F_2$ is a codimension $2$ fibrator, where
$F_i$(i=1,2) is an orientable asherical closed manifold with $\chi(F_i)\ne 0$
and its fundamental group is hophian. Also, we show that a Hophian n-manifold
$N$ is a codimension $m>2$ fibrator if it is a codimension 2 fibrator,
$\pi_{i}(N)=0$ for $1 proper subgroup isomorphic to $\pi_{1}(N)/A$, with A an Abelian subgroup. As a
result, a product $N=S^{n}\times F$ of any $n$-sphere $S^{n}$ $(n\ge 3)$ and any
orientable closed surface $F$ with $\chi(F)<0$ is a codimension $(n-1)$ PL
fibrator in PL category.

Keywords: Approximate fibration, Codimension $k$ fibrator, Hopfian group, Hyperhopfian group, Hopfian manifold, Aspherical manifold

MSC numbers: 57N15; 55R65