Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008



J. Korean Math. Soc. 2016; 53(4): 737-767

Printed July 1, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Mathematical Society.

Deforming pinched hypersurfaces of the hyperbolic space by powers of the mean curvature into spheres

Shunzi Guo, Guanghan Li, and Chuanxi Wu

Minnan Normal University, Wuhan University, Hubei University


This paper concerns closed hypersurfaces of dimension $n\geq 2$ in the hyperbolic space ${\mathbb{H}}_{\kappa}^{n+1}$ of constant sectional curvature $\kappa$ evolving in direction of its normal vector, where the speed equals a power $\beta \geq1$ of the mean curvature. The main result is that if the initial closed, weakly $h$-convex hypersurface satisfies that the ratio of the biggest and smallest principal curvature at everywhere is close enough to $1$, depending only on $n$ and $\beta$, then under the flow this is maintained, there exists a unique, smooth solution of the flow which converges to a single point in ${\mathbb{H}}_{\kappa}^{n+1}$ in a maximal finite time, and when rescaling appropriately, the evolving hypersurfaces exponential convergence to a unit geodesic sphere of ${\mathbb{H}}_{\kappa}^{n+1}$.

Keywords: powers of the mean curvature, horosphere, convex hypersurface, hyperbolic space, normalization

MSC numbers: Primary 53C44, 35K55; Secondary 58J35, 35B40