Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008

Ahead of Print Articles

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The following are papers that have received final approval and are awaiting to be published. They are listed in the order of their initial submission date.
Papers are published in the order of their initial submission date and will be made available under “Current Issue” once scheduled to be included in a print issue.

Note: Please understand the below list is not in the exact publishing order of the papers as the list does not include papers under internal reviewing process nor those that have not been galley proofed by the authors.

Final published versions of all papers are available under “All Issues” and also under “Current Issue” for papers included in the current issue.

* Paper information have been automatically generated from the information submitted by authors in the online submission system.
  • Online first article December 19, 2024

    Bounded fixed point sets and Krasnoselskii iterates of Thompson metric nonexpansive maps

    Brian Lins

    Abstract : We consider maps defined on the interior of a normal, closed cone in a real Banach space that are nonexpansive with respect to Thompson's metric. With mild compactness assumptions, we prove that the Krasnoselskii iterates of such maps converge to a fixed point when one exists. For maps that are also order-preserving, we give simple necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of upper and lower Collatz-Wielandt numbers for the fixed point set to be nonempty and bounded in Thompson's metric. When the map is also real analytic, these conditions are both necessary and sufficient for the map to have a unique fixed point and for all iterates of the map to converge to the fixed point. We demonstrate how these results apply to certain nonlinear matrix equations on the cone of positive definite Hermitian matrices.

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  • Online first article November 15, 2024

    Higher-order commutators of parameterized Littlewood-Paley operators on two weight Herz spaces with variable exponents

    Qi Wu and Yanqi Yang

    Abstract : In this article, we consider the boundedness for a class of parameterized Littlewood-Paley integrals and their commutators. More precisely, Let $\Omega \in L^{2}\left(\mathrm{~S}^{n-1}\right)$ be a homogeneous function of degree zero, we prove that parameterized Littlewood-Paley area integral $\mu_{\Omega, S}^{\rho}$, $g_{\lambda}^{*}$ function $\mu_{\Omega, \lambda}^{*, \rho}$ are bounded on two weighted Herz spaces with variable exponents. It is worth noting that above operators in two weighted Herz spaces with variable exponents are more complex than operators themselves. Moreover, let $b$ be a BMO function, the boundedness of commutators generated by $b$ and parameterized Littlewood-Paley operators will also be showed.

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  • Online first article October 11, 2024


    Junhong Ha, Daewook Kim, and Sudeok Shon

    Abstract : Various methods exist to address the challenges posed by moving domain problems, including the transform method, penalty method, and push-forward and pull-back method. These methods play a crucial role in transforming non-cylindrical domain problems into cylindrical domain problems. In \cite{RINCON2007}, the existence of at least one weak solution for a more general extensible beam was established. However, this paper does not specifically address the uniqueness of solutions and exploring their relationship within any finite-dimensional space. Our primary objective is to formulate approximate solutions in a finite-dimensional space using the penalty method, with a focus on achieving uniqueness. Furthermore, we present an illustrative example to enhance the understanding of the concepts discussed.

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Current Issue

January, 2025
Vol.62 No.1

Current Issue