Journal of the
Korean Mathematical Society

ISSN(Print) 0304-9914 ISSN(Online) 2234-3008

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  • 2023-07-01

    Construction of a Mattila--Sj\"{o}lin type function over a finite field

    Daewoong Cheong, Jinbeom Kim

    Abstract : Let $\mathbb F_q$ be a finite field with $q$ elements. A function $f: \mathbb F_q^d\times \mathbb F_q^d \to \mathbb F_q$ is called a Mattila--Sj\"{o}lin type function of index $\gamma \in \mathbb R$ if $\gamma$ is the smallest real number such that whenever $|E|\geq Cq^{\gamma}$ for a sufficiently large constant $C$, the set $f(E,E):=\{f(x,y): x, y\in E\}$ is equal to $\mathbb F_q$. In this article, we construct an example of a Mattila--Sj\"{o}lin type function $f$ and provide its index, generalizing the result of Cheong, Koh, Pham and Shen [1].

  • 2022-09-01

    Multiple solutions of a perturbed Yamabe-type equation on graph

    Yang Liu

    Abstract : Let $u$ be a function on a locally finite graph $G=(V, E)$ and $\Omega$ be a bounded subset of $V$. Let $\varepsilon>0$, $p>2$ and $0\leq\lambda<\lambda_1(\Omega)$ be constants, where $\lambda_1(\Omega)$ is the first eigenvalue of the discrete Laplacian, and $h: V\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be a function satisfying $h\geq 0$ and $h\not\equiv 0$. We consider a perturbed Yamabe equation, say\begin{equation*}\left\{\begin{array}{lll} -\Delta u-\lambda u=|u|^{p-2}u+\varepsilon h, &{\rm in}& \Omega,\\ u=0,&{\rm on}&\partial\Omega,\end{array}\ri.\end{equation*}where $\Omega$ and $\partial\Omega$ denote the interior and the boundary of $\Omega$, respectively. Using variational methods,we prove thatthere exists some positive constant $\varepsilon_0>0$ such that for all $\varepsilon\in(0,\varepsilon_0)$, the above equationhas two distinct solutions. Moreover, we consider a more general nonlinear equation\begin{equation*}\left\{\begin{array}{lll} -\Delta u=f(u)+\varepsilon h, &{\rm in}& \Omega,\\ u=0, &{\rm on}&\partial\Omega,\end{array}\ri.\end{equation*}and  prove similar result for certain nonlinear term $f(u)$.

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  • 2022-05-01

    Zeros of new Bergman kernels

    Noureddine Ghiloufi , Safa Snoun

    Abstract : In this paper we determine explicitly the kernels $\mathbb K_{\alpha,\beta}$ associated with new Bergman spaces $\mathcal A_{\alpha,\beta}^2(\mathbb D)$ considered recently by the first author and M. Zaway. Then we study the distribution of the zeros of these kernels essentially when $\alpha\in\mathbb N$ where the zeros are given by the zeros of a real polynomial $Q_{\alpha,\beta}$. Some numerical results are given throughout the paper.

  • 2022-05-01

    A Neumann type problem on an unbounded domain in the Heisenberg group

    Shivani Dubey, Mukund Madhav Mishra, Ashutosh Pandey

    Abstract : We discuss the wellposedness of the Neumann problem on a half-space for the Kohn-Laplacian in the Heisenberg group. We then construct the Neumann function and explicitly represent the solution of the associated inhomogeneous problem.

  • 2024-03-01

    Shadowing property for ADMM flows

    Yoon Mo Jung , Bomi Shin , Sangwoon Yun

    Abstract : There have been numerous studies on the characteristics of the solutions of ordinary differential equations for optimization methods, including gradient descent methods and alternating direction methods of multipliers. To investigate computer simulation of ODE solutions, we need to trace pseudo-orbits by real orbits and it is called shadowing property in dynamics. In this paper, we demonstrate that the flow induced by the alternating direction methods of multipliers (ADMM) for a $C^2$ strongly convex objective function has the eventual shadowing property. For the converse, we partially answer that convexity with the eventual shadowing property guarantees a unique minimizer. In contrast, we show that the flow generated by a second-order ODE, which is related to the accelerated version of ADMM, does not have the eventual shadowing property.

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  • 2024-03-01

    On the linear independence measures of logarithms of rational numbers. II

    Abderraouf Bouchelaghem, Yuxin He, Yuanhang Li, Qiang Wu

    Abstract : In this paper, we give a general method to compute the linear independence measure of $1, \log(1-1/r),\log(1+1/s)$ for infinitely many integers $r$ and $s$. We also give improvements for the special cases when $r=s$, for example, $\nu(1, \log 3/4, \log 5/4) \leq 9.197$.

  • 2023-03-01

    Invariant graph and random bony attractors

    Fateme Helen Ghane, Maryam Rabiee, Marzie Zaj

    Abstract : In this paper, we deal with random attractors for dynamical systems forced by a deterministic noise. These kind of systems are modeled as skew products where the dynamics of the forcing process are described by the base transformation. Here, we consider skew products over the Bernoulli shift with the unit interval fiber. We study the geometric structure of maximal attractors, the orbit stability and stability of mixing of these skew products under random perturbations of the fiber maps. We show that there exists an open set $\mathcal{U}$ in the space of such skew products so that any skew product belonging to this set admits an attractor which is either a continuous invariant graph or a bony graph attractor. These skew products have negative fiber Lyapunov exponents and their fiber maps are non-uniformly contracting, hence the non-uniform contraction rates are measured by Lyapnnov exponents. Furthermore, each skew product of $\mathcal{U}$ admits an invariant ergodic measure whose support is contained in that attractor. Additionally, we show that the invariant measure for the perturbed system is continuous in the Hutchinson metric.

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  • 2022-11-01

    Two new recurrent levels and chaotic dynamics of $\mathbb{Z}^d_+$-actions

    Shaoting Xie, Jiandong Yin

    Abstract : In this paper, we introduce the concepts of (quasi-)weakly almost periodic point and minimal center of attraction for $\mathbb{Z}^d_+$-actions, explore the connections of levels of the topological structure the orbits of (quasi-)weakly almost periodic points and discuss the relations between (quasi-)weakly almost periodic point and minimal center of attraction. Especially, we investigate the chaotic dynamics near or inside the minimal center of attraction of a point in the cases of $S$-generic setting and non $S$-generic setting, respectively. Actually, we show that weakly almost periodic points and quasi-weakly almost periodic points have distinct topological structures of the orbits and we prove that if the minimal center of attraction of a point is non $S$-generic, then there exist certain Li-Yorke chaotic properties inside the involved minimal center of attraction and sensitivity near the involved minimal center of attraction; if the minimal center of attraction of a point is $S$-generic, then there exist stronger Li-Yorke chaotic (Auslander-Yorke chaotic) dynamics and sensitivity ($\aleph_0$-sensitivity) in the involved minimal center of attraction.

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  • 2022-05-01

    On the scaled inverse of $(x^i-x^j)$ modulo cyclotomic polynomial of the form $\Phi_{p^s}(x)$ or $\Phi_{p^s q^t}(x)$

    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Keewoo Lee

    Abstract : The scaled inverse of a nonzero element $a(x)\in \mathbb{Z}[x]/f(x)$, where $f(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial over $\mathbb{Z}$, is the element $b(x)\in \mathbb{Z}[x]/f(x)$ such that $a(x)b(x)=c \pmod{f(x)}$ for the smallest possible positive integer scale $c$. In this paper, we investigate the scaled inverse of $(x^i-x^j)$ modulo cyclotomic polynomial of the form $\Phi_{p^s}(x)$ or $\Phi_{p^s q^t}(x)$, where $p, q$ are primes with $p<q$ and $s, t$ are positive integers. Our main results are that the coefficient size of the scaled inverse of $(x^i-x^j)$ is bounded by $p-1$ with the scale $p$ modulo $\Phi_{p^s}(x)$, and is bounded by $q-1$ with the scale not greater than $q$ modulo $\Phi_{p^s q^t}(x)$. Previously, the analogous result on cyclotomic polynomials of the form $\Phi_{2^n}(x)$ gave rise to many lattice-based cryptosystems, especially, zero-knowledge proofs. Our result provides more flexible choice of cyclotomic polynomials in such cryptosystems. Along the way of proving the theorems, we also prove several properties of $\{x^k\}_{k\in\mathbb{Z}}$ in $\mathbb{Z}[x]/\Phi_{pq}(x)$ which might be of independent interest.

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  • 2024-03-01

    Real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric with cyclic parallel structure Jacobi operator

    Jin Hong Kim, Hyunjin Lee, Young Jin Suh

    Abstract : Let $M$ be a real hypersurface in the complex hyperbolic quadric~${Q^{m}}^{*}$, $m \geq 3$. The Riemannian curvature tensor field~$R$ of~$M$ allows us to define a symmetric Jacobi operator with respect to the Reeb vector field~$\xi$, which is called the structure Jacobi operator~$R_{\xi} = R(\, \cdot \, , \xi) \xi \in \text{End}(TM)$. On the other hand, in~\cite{Semm03}, Semmelmann showed that the cyclic parallelism is equivalent to the Killing property regarding any symmetric tensor. Motivated by his result above, in this paper we consider the cyclic parallelism of the structure Jacobi operator~$R_{\xi}$ for a real hypersurface~$M$ in the complex hyperbolic quadric~${Q^{m}}^{*}$. Furthermore, we give a complete classification of Hopf real hypersurfaces in ${Q^{m}}^{*}$ with such a property.

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March, 2024
Vol.61 No.2

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